Services Schedule

Thursday Services
6:30pm - 7pm
Wednesday Evenings, we hold Evening Prayer according to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. This consists of confession, Psalms, an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading, and several prayers for ourselves & our community.
On holidays, we will have Holy Communion instead of Evening Prayer. This is a Low Mass, which has no singing or sermon, and lasts 20-30 minutes.
All Wednesday services are Immediately followed by Bible study.

Bible Study
Wednesday 7pm - 7:30pm
All Christians should constantly turn to scripture. Our Bible studies tackle books chapter-by-chapter, looking at the meaning and background of every verse. This is a discussion group, not a lecture series, and so every voice is welcome and heard. If you are looking for more biblical knowledge, no matter your religious background or affiliation, you are welcome.

Sunday Services
11am - 12:15pm
This is Holy Communion according to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, along with hymns from the 1940 Hymnal and a brief sermon.
Those visiting who are baptized Christians that believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine (that they are not just a symbol) are welcome to come kneel at the rail and receive the Body and Blood of Christ. If you wish to abstain, please come to the altar for a blessing.
There are Sunday school programs after the service.

Holy Days
As Announced
Holy Days marked in the calendar of the Prayer Book, as well as others, are celebrated with Holy Communion at 12 noon or 6;30PM. Sign up for the weekly emails for updates on the schedule.